2nd Lt. J. Garrison
72nd Fighter Squadron, 21st Fighter Group
Joining the 72nd Fighter Squadron on Iwo Jima as a replacement pilot in early June of 1945, 2nd Lt. Garrison flew a total of 62 combat hours, including 5 VLR missions. His first mission with the 72nd FS was a fighter strike to Mobara airfield in Honshu, Japan. Flying as Blue 4, Garrison’s P-51 received a bullet hole in the propeller and hold in the left wing on his strafing pass, but made it back to Iwo. He was awarded the Air Medal with one bronze oak leaf cluster. All pilots who completed one VLR mission were recommended for the Air Medal. Garrison stayed on Iwo until December 2, 1945 when he ferried a P-51 to Isely Field, Saipan. He stayed in Saipan and then Guam till July of 1946, then returning the United States.
Included below are original photographs as well as some pages from his flight record.
A nice profile shot with Garrison wearing his A-2 flight jacket with Sunsetters patch and 72nd FS patch
The Rocks Roost, presumably the 72nd FS Officer's club on Iwo Jima
A view of the 'housing' on Iwo
A Japanese artillery gun emplacement on Iwo
Japanese Flag with writing on it....wonder if he brought it home?
Intersesting to note that this name on the P-51 was assigned to the 47th FS, the Dog Patchers, who used Lil Abner names for many of their nose art. Most likely this P-51 was transferred to the 72nd FS.
Written on the back of the nose art photo.
Garrison's Flight Record on Iwo
Japanese ship wreckage on Iwo.
Back of photo.
On top of Mt. Suribachi
A line up of Mustangs along with some other aircraft on Iwo
Officer's club
Back of Photo.