Here are various documents, maps, mission reports and more from the 7th and 20th Air Force’s; all related to the war in the pacific against the Japanese.
A map of Iwo Jima showing all 3 airfields from August 1945.
Maps like these were used by the 7th Air Force for mission purposes. This shows the southern Kyushu area of Japan.
This document is a relay of the notice of immediate surrender of Japan, on August 15, 1945. It is to stop all offensive operations, upon which were happening that day.
A report from Japanese radios on the USAAF P-51 Mustang, which about a month before this is dated (May 1, 1945) just started showing up over mainland Japan. (Part 1)
A report from Japanese radios on the USAAF P-51 Mustang, which about a month before this is dated (May 1, 1945) just started showing up over mainland Japan. (Part 2)
Cover of the post war Tokyo Club document that listed all pilots from the 3 P-51 fighter groups on Iwo who participated in VLR missions. Once you flew a very long range mission to Japan, you were 'in the club'.
A Christmas card from the 20th Air Force.
Radio Call Signs
These documents show the radio call signs for aircraft. The first shows those from 7th Fighter Command, and the VLR groups (15th, 21st, 506th) and their respective squadrons. This is dated June 28, 1945 and shows a new set of call signs to now be used.
The second document is for general use of names of US aircraft. This was done so that the Japanese, who were able to intercept our radio transmissions, would not know exactly what our pilots or ships were talking about.
This document is continued from the previous and shows some other words and phrases that should be used on the radio, again to somewhat throw off the Japanese listening in.
Brief Magazine
The 7th Air Force had their own publication, called Brief Magazine. It was published weekly beginning in 1944. Check out the full issue presented here that is from July 3, 1945. Then, take a look at all the covers. I am only missing about ten total issues, and hopefully I can eventually find them!
Japanese Prisoner Interrogation
The document below is from the Army Headquarters Garrison Force on Iwo Jima. It is an intelligence bulletin of the interrogation of a Japanese POW who was born on Iwo Jima. It is dated June 16, 1945.